St. Peter’s, Lurgan


Mass Times

Sunday: 8am, 10am (po polsku) & 12.00pm
Monday: 8am
Tuesday: 8am & 7pm
Wednesday: 8am
Thursday: 8am
Friday: 8am & 7pm
Saturday: 9.30am
Saturday Vigil: 6pm

A brief history of Saint Peter’s Church.

1829 – Probably as a …

about St. Peter’s, Lurgan

St. Paul’s, Lurgan


Mass Times

Sunday: 9am, 10:30am
Monday – Friday: 10am
Saturday 10:30am;  Vigil: 7pm


about St. Paul’s, Lurgan

Where there is pain, there is healing.

Where there is pain, there is healing.
Where there is mourning, there is dancing.
Where there is poverty, there is the kingdom.
Henri J. M. Nouwen